Bringing vegan food bloggers together to share a virtual potluck, linked by a blog circle – and our love of cooking, eating and sharing. Participating bloggers will post recipes – from appetizers to desserts – and photos on the day of the event. Non-vegans welcome as long as they prepare a cruelty- and animal-free dish.
May 8, 2013
I will no longer be posting Virtual Vegan Potluck information and updates on this page. The permanent home of the Virtual Vegan Potluck can be found here. Potlucks are held twice a year – once in May and again in November. Please stop by, and if you’re a food blogger, we’d love to have you come to the next party!
April 10, 2013
What are you doing here?? You need to get over to the Virtual Vegan Potluck blog ASAP and sign-up for the May 11 Potluck!
January 9, 2013
Virtual Vegan Potluck t-shirts now available on the VVP blog for the ridiculously low, low price of $15.00! This is a high-quality, 100% cotton tee emblazoned with the green and black VVP logo. Show your VVP pride! Click here to go to the VVP store!
Finally the big day got here! I’ve just gone through the complete Potluck and am so impressed with the recipes. Everyone truly outdid themselves.
We’ve had a few snafus, drop-outs, late-comers and no-shows, but overall, things are working pretty well. Both Lidia and Somer have been busting their tails contacting bloggers and making sure everything is running smoothly. Thanks to everyone for participating!!
Here is the final group:
Vegan Bloggers Unite!
The Veg Bar
That Was Vegan?
The Cruelty-Free Review
Queens of the Wild Frontier
Vedged Out
The Soulicious Life
Quinoa Kale and Exhale
Jason and the Veganauts
No Food With A Face
40 Fit in the Mitt
The Vegan Kat
The Misfit Baker
Barefoot Essence
Earthgiven Kitchen
Lemongrass and Ginger
Positively Vegan
Don’t Switch Off the Light
Lorna’s Tearoom Delights
Air Eater
Spinach Revolution
South Africa
V is for Vegan
Afro Vegan Chick
My Plant-Based Family
In Vegetables We Trust
Sophie’s Foodie Files
Spontaneous Tomato
Cadry’s Kitchen
Veggie Nook
Side Dishes
Keepin’ It Kind
Vegan Richa
The Singin’ Vegan
Glue and Glitter
Kelli’s Vegan Kitchen
Good Clean Food
Cook to Love
The Almost Vegan
Elephant Belly
Vegan by Proxy
Happy To Be A Table of Two
Frugal Feeding
Vegan Gypsy
Cocina de Nihacc
Cauldrons and Cupcakes
Emmy Cooks
Main Dishes
Cheerfully Vegan
V is for Vegetables
Astig Vegan
In Pursuit of More
My Sister’s Pantry
Chef in Disguise
The Vegan’s Husband
Living in a Lollypop World
Saving the World One Bite at a Time!
Tiny Kitchen Stories
Vegan Monologue
Juicy Dishes
Compassionate & Passionate Cuisine
Vegan 404 (filet not found)
OMGosh I’m Vegan
Canned Time
Luminous Vegans
Oh My Potluck!
A,B,C, Vegan
Sunday Morning Banana Pancakes
Earth-friendly Sara
Fried Dandelions
The Little Red Journal
Bite Me (I’m Vegan)
Fridge Scrapings
Bacon Is NOT An Herb
Gormandize with A-Dizzle & K-Bobo
In Fine Balance
Vegan Sparkles
The Science of Food
The Sweet Life
Turning Veganese
The Joyful Pantry
Vegan Fling
Anne Sture Tucker – Balanced Living
An Unrefined Vegan
Too Cheap for Pine Nuts
Veggie V’s Vegan Adventure
It Must Suck Being Vegan
Cupcakes and Showtunes
A Tablespoon of Liz
Gazing In
Blissful Britt
The Healthy Flavor
Mama et de Bebe Hawk
October 16, 2012
Pretty cool, huh?! 105 bloggers! May I present to you the final list of participants in order:
Vegan Bloggers Unite!
The Veg Bar
That Was Vegan?
The Cruelty-Free Review
Queens of the Wild Frontier
Vedged Out
The Soulicious Life
Quinoa Kale and Exhale
Jason and the Veganauts
No Food With A Face
40 Fit in the Mitt
The Vegan Kat
The Misfit Baker
Barefoot Essence
Earthgiven Kitchen
Lemongrass and Ginger
Positively Vegan
Little Lady Cook (Cocinerita)
Don’t Switch Off the Light
Lorna’s Tearoom Delights
Air Eater
Spinach Revolution
South Africa
V is for Vegan
Afro Vegan Chick
My Plant-Based Family
Recipe for Going Vegan
In Vegetables We Trust
Sophie’s Foodie Files
Spontaneous Tomato
Cadry’s Kitchen
Veggie Nook
Side Dishes
Keepin’ It Kind
Vegan Richa
The Singin’ Vegan
Glue and Glitter
Kelli’s Vegan Kitchen
Good Clean Food
Cook to Love
The Almost Vegan
Elephant Belly
Vegan by Proxy
Happy To Be A Table of Two
Frugal Feeding
Live. Learn. Love. Eat.
Vegan Gypsy
Cocina de Nihacc
Cauldrons and Cupcakes
Emmy Cooks
Main Dishes
Cheerfully Vegan
V is for Vegetables
Astig Vegan
In Pursuit of More
My Sister’s Pantry
Apocalyptic Diner
Chef in Disguise
The Vegan’s Husband
Living in a Lollypop World
Saving the World One Bite at a Time!
Tiny Kitchen Stories
Vegan Monologue
Juicy Dishes
Compassionate & Passionate Cuisine
Vegan 404 (filet not found)
OMGosh I’m Vegan
Canned Time
Luminous Vegans
Oh My Potluck!
A,B,C, Vegan
Sunday Morning Banana Pancakes
Earth-friendly Sara
Fried Dandelions
The Little Red Journal
Bite Me (I’m Vegan)
Fridge Scrapings
Bacon Is NOT An Herb
Gormandize with A-Dizzle & K-Bobo
In Fine Balance
Vegan Sparkles
The Science of Food
The Sweet Life
Turning Veganese
The Joyful Pantry
Running Eater
Vegan Fling
Anne Sture Tucker – Balanced Living
An Unrefined Vegan
Too Cheap for Pine Nuts
Veggie V’s Vegan Adventure
It Must Suck Being Vegan
Cupcakes and Showtunes
A Tablespoon of Liz
Gazing In
Blissful Britt
The Healthy Flavor
Mama et de Bebe Hawk
George’s Smart Hearts
October 9, 2012
So many awesome blogs have signed up for the Potluck! For a current list, please visit The Potluck page at the Virtual Vegan Potluck website.
October 8, 2012
Ready to join the Potluck? It’s easy. Just visit the VVP website, click on How To Join and fill out the form. And don’t forget to spread the word! More participants means…more food!
October 5, 2012
As of this morning and in no particular order (I haven’t gotten as far as sorting blogs into categories…), here’s who we have joining the Potluck:
Vedged Out
In Pursuit of More
40 Fit in the Mitt
Saving the World One Bite at a Time!
Turning Veganese
Air Eater
Spontaneous Tomato
Earth Friendly Sara
Former Fish Taco Fanatic
Blissful Britt
That Was Vegan?
Earthgiven Kitchen
A Tablespoon of Liz
Being Vegan
The Imperfect Nutritarian
Glue and Glitter
Keepin’ It Kind
The Misfit Baker
An Unrefined Vegan
My Plant-Based Family
Vegan Sparkles
Luminous Vegans
Vegan Fling
Oh My Potluck!
Vegan Monologue
Astig Vegan
Lorna’s Tearoom Delights
Emmy Cooks
Running Eater
The Vegan Kat
Cupcakes and Showtunes
Bite Me (I’m Vegan)
Sweet Veg
The Cruelty-free Review
Lemongrass and Ginger
Veggie Nook
Sophie’s Foodie Files
The Veg Bar
I’m also working on getting everyone’s site onto a Potluck board on Pinterest. Thanks to everyone who has signed up!
October 3, 2012
The VVP website launches tomorrow!
September 21, 2012:
The date for the next Virtual Vegan Potluck will be November 1, which just happens to be World Vegan Day! Time to start thinking about what dish you are “bringing” to the party.
Work on the VVP website continues and it’s looking great! You’ll be able to sign up for the Potluck, find out how it works, meet the bloggers who participated in the last Potluck and get to know me, Somer and Jason. Cannot wait to unveil the site! In the meantime, here’s the VVP logo/button/badge:
May 22, 2012:
If you’ve just come across this page and are wondering what the Virtual Vegan Potluck is, well, read on! Back in March I got to thinking about the relationships I was developing between me and other blogs and how this warm, wonderful community had sprung up based on…food. It felt like I had a whole lot of friends out there in the blogosphere and since gatherings of friends makes one think about sharing good eats, drinks and conversation it made sense to want to connect on one special day so we could show off some of our most creative vegan treats. The idea of throwing a virtual party was born.
The first Virtual Vegan Potluck held on May 12 was a smashing success. After the tables were cleared, the dishes washed and put away, our first question was: when is the next one?? Tentatively scheduled for early November to take advantage of a new season and the upcoming holidays, we hope the next VVP will be bigger, better and tastier than the first one. There are lots of fun developments coming down the pike, too. You don’t want to miss out, do you?
All of us love to cook, bake and eat and since we are bloggers, we also love to share those activities with our readers. Though the theme of our Potluck is vegan, cooks of all stripes are invited to join the party. The only rule is that the dish provided is animal-free. If you are a food blogger and are open to creating a dish that does not include meat, fish or dairy products, then we want you at our party. Keep tuned to this page for updates and specific information about the next Potluck!
May 17, 2012:
There are some good things simmering in the VVP kitchen! Cannot wait to share the goodies with you all, but there are lots of little details to work out first. In the meantime, the Virtual Vegan Potluck has ventured into the world of social media. Please visit the new Facebook Page and check that little Like box and while you’re there, leave a comment or two. And don’t forget to add @veganpotluck to your Twitter follows.
May 12, 2012:
It’s just past 1 pm here in Oklahoma and I’ve made it through each and every participating blog. GREAT JOB, everyone! The recipes are rock solid delicious. If they don’t convert some omnivores to the wonders of plant-based eating – nothing will! Thank you so very much. A special thanks to our omnivores out there. Amazing contributions. Thanks for stepping outside your comfort zones – we all appreciate that. I hope this little shindig is bringing some traffic, new friends and followers to everyone. It’s great to see the comments and feel the enthusiasm.
We had a few small fires, a few mishaps, a few missing blogs. To be expected. Next time we’ll get the kinks worked out and this Potluck thing will run like a well-oiled machine. I’ll be posting a post-game within the next few days and we’ll talk about the next big vegan potluck event. In the meantime, here’s an updated participant list. We did lose a few folks, I’m sorry to say. Please take one last look before updating your links for the final time. Any no-shows that contact me before the end of the day will be added to the end of the list, if they desire. Finally…bon appetit!
Potluck Participants
Host Site
Vegan Bloggers Unite!
Air Eater
In Fine Balance
That Was Vegan?
Things My Belly Likes
Watch Me Lose 150 Pounds
40 Fit in the Mitt
Former Fish Taco Fanatic
Bacon Is Not An Herb
Good Clean Food
Tearoom Delights
Turning VEGANese
Anne Sture Tucker
Dudette Here!
Keepin’ It Kind
Rubber Cowgirl/Vegans Do It Better
Vegan Sparkles
Veggie What Now
An Unrefined Vegan (savory)
Cocina de Nihacc (savory)
In Pursuit of More (savory)
My Plant-based Family (sweet)
Sensual Appeal (sweet)
Cauldrons & Cupcakes
Emmy Cooks
Jenmi Jenmi
Joyness Sparkles
Luminous Vegans
Meizac’s Blog
The Not Starving Novelist
The Twenties Project
The Vegan Kat
Tiny Kitchen Stories
Toxic Vegan
Unsweetened Cocoa
V is for Vegetables
Veggie Witch
A Life Vegetarian
Bringing Europe Home
Everyday Vegan Girl
I Ate Lunch
Terra, Not Terror
Veg Hot Pot
Vegan Fling
Christine Robyn
Foodie McBooty
The Adventures of Vegan Charlie
Blissful Britt
Cruelty Free Review
Eat Pray Bake
Fridge Scrapings
Go Bake Yourself
Lindsay is Vegan
Naughty Vegan
The Hearty Herbivore
The Misfit Baker
The Savvy Sister
The Veg Bar
The Veggie Nook
Veggie 4 A Year
Veggie V’s Vegan Adventure
May 7, 2012:
Two new participants have been added to the list! Welcome Watch Me Lose 150 Pounds and Lindsay is Vegan! One participant has backed out. Below is the updated list. Please use this when inserting your URL links.
Potluck Participants
Host Site
Vegan Bloggers Unite!
Air Eater
In Fine Balance
That Was Vegan?
Things My Belly Likes
Watch Me Lose 150 Pounds
40 Fit in the Mitt
Former Fish Taco Fanatic
Bacon Is Not An Herb
Good Clean Food
Tearoom Delights
Turning VEGANese
Along Comes Mary
Anne Sture Tucker
Dudette Here!
Keepin’ It Kind
Rubber Cowgirl/Vegans Do It Better
Vegan Sparkles
Veggie What Now
An Unrefined Vegan (savory)
Cocina de Nihacc (savory)
In Pursuit of More (savory)
My Plant-based Family (sweet)
Sensual Appeal (sweet)
Cauldrons & Cupcakes
Emmy Cooks
Jenmi Jenmi
Joyness Sparkles
Luminous Vegans
Meizac’s Blog
The Not Starving Novelist
The Twenties Project
The Vegan Kat
Tiny Kitchen Stories
Toxic Vegan
Unsweetened Cocoa
V is for Vegetables
Veggie Witch
A Life Vegetarian
Bringing Europe Home
Everyday Vegan Girl
I Ate Lunch
Karma Chef
Terra, Not Terror
Veg Hot Pot
Vegan Fling
Christine Robyn
Foodie McBooty
The Adventures of Vegan Charlie
Blissful Britt
Cruelty Free Review
Eat Pray Bake
Fridge Scrapings
Go Bake Yourself
Lindsay is Vegan
Naughty Vegan
Rachel in Veganland
The Hearty Herbivore
The Misfit Baker
The Savvy Sister
The Veg Bar
The Veggie Nook
Veggie 4 A Year
Veggie V’s Vegan Adventure
May 4, 2012:
Mrs. Buena Vida dropped out. Maybe next time?
May 3, 2012: Updates to Participant List!
I’ve added Emmy Cooks and Mrs. Buena Vida to the participant list. Just couldn’t say no! Mrs. Buena Vida is not in a category yet, but stay tuned…
May 2, 2012: Linking
Below are instructions on how to connect your Potluck posts to the blogs that come before yours and after yours. The instructions look long and scary. It’s just an illusion. All of you have done this very exact thing in your blogs – probably every time you write a post. Just take it slow and email me with any questions.
The two graphics (for WordPress users) follow the instructions. Just copy them and paste them into a folder or spot on your computer where you’ll be able to find them easily. To find the blogs that precede and follow yours, scroll down to the April 29 update. (They are all “clickable” so that you can get the URLs directly from the sites.) I’ve kept this list current and will continue to do so. With any luck, we won’t have any changes to this list! For detailed information about timing, suggestions and why links are important, please refer to my May 2 post, Virtual Vegan Potluck: The Links Edition.
Method 1, Inserting Graphics with Links:
1) It would be helpful to have the rough draft of your post, including photos of your food item, ready before you insert the two graphics.
2) Open your draft post.
3) Scroll to the bottom of your post and hit return one or two times.
4) Click on the camera/musical notes icon at the top of the draft, next to the words Upload/Insert.
5) From the From Computer tab, click on Select Files (or drag in the files).
6) When the graphics have been uploaded insert one (“go back”) then the other (“go forward”) into your post. One graphic should be above the other.
7) Click on the “go back” graphic and then click on the small photo icon at the top left of the graphic.
8) Next to where it says Link URL you’ll see the URL for the photo. Delete this and insert the URL for the blog that precedes yours in the Potluck (i.e.,
9) Click update. Do the same thing with the “go forward” graphic, except this time, insert the URL for the blog that follows yours.
10) Click update. You are done.
Method 2, Linking within Text:
We’ve all done this method. It looks something like this:
To visit the blog that precedes mine in the Potluck, click here!
To visit the blog that follows mine in the Potluck, click here!
To start at the beginning of the Potluck, click here!
(Of course, you will think of a much more clever way to write this – preferably using the name of the preceding and following blogs.)
1) Write your text, inviting readers to move backward and forward through the Potluck. I would suggest that this text be at or near the bottom of your post so it’s the last thing that people read.
2) Highlight the portion of the text that you want to use as a link (i.e., “click here”).
3) At the top of your draft post, click on the little chain link button.
4) At the very top of the window that opens, insert the URL for the blog that precedes yours in the Potluck.
5) Click on the little box that says Open Link in a New Window/Tab.
6) Click Update.
7) Do the same thing for the blog that follows you in the Potluck.
8) You’re done!
Remember, you won’t see a picture/graphic with this method. It’s only text.
I’m planning on employing both methods to reinforce that I am part of a circle of bloggers – and I’m going to include a link for people to go to the very beginning of the Potluck.
Method 1, Linking within Text:
Is the same as Method 2 above. Simply apply a link to text you’ve written.
1) Open your draft post and highlight the text you would like to link.
2) Click Link.
3) In Edit Link, paste in the URL of the blog to which you are linking.
4) Make sure that the Open This Link in a New Window is checked.
5) Click Okay.
6) Repeat this method for the other blog to which you are linking.
7) You’re done.
Method 2, Insert HTML:
1) Open your draft post for the Potluck.
2) Click on the HTML tab.
3) Scroll to the bottom of the post and hit Enter one or two times.
4) Copy and paste the following into your post:
<img height=”100″ src=”” /></a></td>
<td><a href=””>
<img height=”120″ src=”” width=”120″ /></a></td>
<img height=”100″ src=”” /></a>
5) Click Save and go back to the Compose tab. You should see a graphic with two arrows, one pointing to the left and one pointing to the right.
6) Click Preview and make sure everything looks right.
7) Click Save one more time.
8) You’re done.
ALL BLOGGERS: Once you’ve published your posts MAKE SURE THAT YOUR LINKS GO WHERE THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO GO. WordPress users can actually test their links prior to publication. Do this by clicking Preview. The links are clickable from that view. And remember: update the URLs the day after the Potluck to reflect the exact post URL and not the generic blog URL:
Generic blog URL Example:
Specific blog post URL Exampe:
GRAPHICS (for WordPress Users):
They DO NOT have to be this big in your posts, but I left them this way so you could make them whatever size you like.
April 29, 2012
Wow! Look at this list! I’m kinda blown away to have so many participants – dear, familiar faces and new friends. There’s still 2 more days for bloggers to sign on, so hopefully we’ll add a few more names to this list.
If you haven’t done so already and would like to add a VVP button to your blog, scroll down to my very first post here. There are a couple from which to choose. A quick word about the HTML. I know some of you might be feeling a little nervous about this step. Don’t worry! It’s really as simple as cutting and pasting and I’ll make my directions as clear as I can. If you still have questions, you know how to reach me. I will be posting the HTML on or around May 2 (I’m asking a third party to test it for me – I’m not completely crazy!). And I also want to give a little lag time to any stragglers who may join at the last minute.
Finally, those of you who are still on the fence as to category, try to let me know before the deadline. Thanks to all you fantastic bloggers!!
Host Site
Vegan Bloggers Unite!
Air Eater
In Fine Balance
That Was Vegan?
Things My Belly Likes
40 Fit in the Mitt
Former Fish Taco Fanatic
Bacon Is Not An Herb
Good Clean Food
Tearoom Delights
Turning VEGANese
Along Comes Mary
Anne Sture Tucker
Dudette Here!
Keepin’ It Kind
Rubber Cowgirl/Vegans Do It Better
Vegan Sparkles
Veggie What Now
An Unrefined Vegan (savory)
Cocina de Nihacc (savory)
In Pursuit of More (savory)
My Plant-based Family (sweet)
Sensual Appeal (sweet)
Cauldrons & Cupcakes
Emmy Cooks
Jenmi Jenmi
Joyness Sparkles
Luminous Vegans
Meizac’s Blog
The Not Starving Novelist
The Twenties Project
The Vegan Kat
Tiny Kitchen Stories
Toxic Vegan
Unsweetened Cocoa
V is for Vegetables
Veggie Witch
A Life Vegetarian
Bringing Europe Home
Everyday Vegan Girl
I Ate Lunch
Karma Chef
Terra, Not Terror
Veg Hot Pot
Vegan Fling
Christine Robyn
Foodie McBooty
The Adventures of Vegan Charlie
Blissful Britt
Cruelty Free Review
Eat Pray Bake
Fridge Scrapings
Go Bake Yourself
Lindsay is Vegan
Live Learn Love Eat
Naughty Vegan
Rachel in Veganland
The Hearty Herbivore
The Misfit Baker
The Savvy Sister
The Veg Bar
The Veggie Nook
Veggie 4 A Year
Veggie V’s Vegan Adventure
April 27, 2012:
Okay, kids, here we go. This is the list to date of the (wonderful!) bloggers signed up to take part in the VVP on May 12. I have this nagging feeling I’m forgetting someone – so if you contacted me and don’t see your blog here – smack me upside the head and then send me an email (or comment here) to [email protected]. For those of you who are undecided, take a look at the list and let the inspiration flow. Just let me know by April 30 which course strikes your fancy. If you haven’t signed up yet (wha?!) then by all means, do so! Email me at the address above. I would love to include your blog.
The response has been really amazing and heartwarming and I’m so happy to have both vegans and omnivores on this list. Proving once again that the power of baking, cooking, drinking and eating can build great (vegan) potlucks.
Anne Sture Tucker
Blissful Britt
Cocina de Nihacc
In Fine Balance
Marinating Online
My Plant-based Family
Project See Life
Rachel in Veganland
The Hearty Herbivore
The Not Starving Novelist
The Wanderlust Gene
Toxic Vegan
Turning VEGANese
Air Eater
That Was Vegan?
Things My Belly Likes
40 Fit in the Mitt
Bacon Is Not An Herb
Good Clean Food
Tearoom Delights
Dudette Here!
Vegan Sparkles
Veggie What Now
An Unrefined Vegan
In Pursuit of More
Cauldrons & Cupcakes
Jenmi Jenmi
Meizac’s Blog
The Twenties Project
The Vegan Kat
Tiny Kitchen Stories
V is for Vegetables
Veggie Witch
A Life Vegetarian
I Ate Lunch
Keepin’ It Kind
Terra, Not Terror
Veg Hot Pot
Vegan Fling
Foodie McBooty
The Adventures of Vegan Charlie
Cruelty Free Review
Fridge Scrapings
Go Bake Yourself
Live Learn Love Eat
Naughty Vegan
The Savvy Sister
The Veggie Nook
Veggie 4 A Year
Veggie V’s Vegan Adventure
April 23, 2012:
Thanks to everyone who has signed on! Couple of places to share and get info:
An Unrefined Vegan Page on Facebook
Virtual Vegan Potluck Event Page on Facebook
@AnOlive on Twitter
Unrefined Vegan on Pinterest
I’ll be on the road for a few days so updating the names of participating bloggers on Pinterest and on the FB Event page may be a bit behind, but I’ll get there! When I get back, I’ll be posting a list of participating bloggers right here on this page, along with their chosen course. FYI we have a few “blank spots” in Main Dishes, Salads, Sides and Breads.
April 21, 2012:
If you read my initial post about this event, then you know most of the details. If not (of if so) – read on!
I’ve been enjoying the blogging community so much and making so many wonderful connections that I thought it would be really fun to get a bunch of us together to create a virtual potluck. We’re all cooking and baking up a storm anyway – why not coordinate our efforts and put on a really spectacular, show-stopper of a meal? The idea is for food/recipe bloggers – vegan or not – to “get together” on one day to share a feast. Hopefully a really large meal with all kinds of interesting and creative goodies! A VVP button at the bottom of everyone’s posts will take readers to and from the participating blogs. All you have to do is choose a course category, dig up a great recipe, make it and then publish a post about it along with photographs so we can all drool. It can be raw, baked, steamed, slow-cooked, pressure-cooked, Vitamixed, stir-fried, sauteed, pureed, gluten-free, sans sugar – anything goes as long as it’s animal- and cruelty-free.
Aren’t vegan? I’d still love for you to participate. C’mon! You just need to prepare something that excludes any and all animal products (otherwise I couldn’t call it a “vegan” potluck, see?). Easy-peasy. Bonus: you don’t have to dress up, clean the house or find a sitter for the kids.
Ready to sign on? Email me at [email protected] with your blog’s name and the course for which you’ll be cooking. The deadline to sign up is April 30 and the Potluck will be on May 12.
Course Categories
Breads (Savory, such as rolls, baguette, cornbread, biscuits)
Breads (Sweet, such as banana bread, fruit muffins, cinnamon rolls)
Main Course
Here’s how you can participate:
1) Email me at [email protected] and let me know you are participating and in what category. I don’t need to know what dish you’re making – it’s more fun to see your creativity the day of the Potluck!
2) Choose a dish for one of the categories above.
3) Spread the word! All of those food blogs you’ve been following, commenting on and stalking? Send a message and invite them to the party! And if you were to mention it in a blog post, that would be the coolest.
4) Check this space a day or two after the deadline for the final list of participants so that you know which blog is before you in the circle and which blog is after you in the circle. This is important for when you plug in the necessary HTML to get readers navigated around the participating blogs.
5) Prepare your dish, take photos and write a post about it – making sure to include the HTML code that will get readers from one blog post to the next. You’ll have about two weeks post-deadline to make and photograph your dish – so no stress!
6) Grab one of the buttons below to place on the sidebar of your blog (which should link to this page) and one (the one with the arrows – COMING SOON) to place at the bottom of your blog post. This is the one that moves readers around. If you are the first person or last person in the Potluck, I have different buttons for you which I will email directly.
7) Publish the post on the day of the Potluck.
8) Update your HTML the day after the Potluck so that the links to the blogs before/after you are not the generic blog URLs, but will take readers directly to the Potluck posts. This way readers won’t be confused if they land on a post that isn’t Potluck-related.
9) Socialize! Visit all of the participating blogs, Like, Comment and Share on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, etc.
Buttons copy & paste onto your blog (remember to have button link back to this page when clicked):
I’ll be updating this page with the names of participating blogs as well as any other pertinent information that comes along. Looking forward to seeing you at the Potluck!
[...] unrefined…and cruelty-free HomeAboutOther Voices, Other VegansSubstitutionsVirtual Vegan PotluckWhat’s That?Yeah, But Does It Taste Good? Apr 21 2012 Leave a comment By An [...]
I’m SO in for this! I have to think about what I will make and respond soon. What a super fantabulous idea!!
Yippeeee! Oh, I’m so happy!
Besides sounding like a lot of fun, I figure this is the closest I’m going to get to sitting down with you in Oklahoma face to face–but I can still hope, right?
You never know! Chances are I’ll be in SoCal before you get here, hehe!
Well, if you do and don’t look me up I will be very upset! We’d have to have an Unrefined Tiny Kitchen Vegan meal…hey, that sounds like a good plan…!
Oh gosh, such a great idea!
So…does that mean you’ll join us? Hope so!
yes, yes! should i still send you an email?
will do
Hi there! It’s very flattering to be invited to the party (and I do love a party), even though I’m not a food blogger, as you might have noticed. Though I’m not a vegan, I think I could come up with vegetarian, that everyone would enjoy, if I were to cook Sri Lankan, if that’s ok? Now, the big problem is technology. I didn’t understand a word of what you were talking about regarding buttons, queues, HTML, Code, etc., etc.!
I’d love to have you participate – the idea really is to get a good, diverse group of people – even if blogging about food isn’t your “normal” thing. We all eat, right? As far as the technical stuff, I’ll walk you through it (I’m no expert myself) so don’t worry about that. As for what you’re making, vegetarian is fine as long as you can include the vegan alternative (i.e., vegan butter for dairy butter/nut milk for dairy milk/egg replacer for eggs/vegan cheeze for dairy cheese). You don’t have to cook/bake it that way, just include the vegan alternative in your recipe/description. Will that work? Obviously I would discourage you from making something that relies mostly on eggs or cream: flans, omelets, etc. So – still interested ?
[...] I moved this weekend, so I didn’t have much time to do a new post. I have a couple lined up, so new recipes will be coming soon! In the meantime, I wanted to share a project that one of my fellow bloggers An Unrefined Vegan is coordinating. It’s a Virtual Vegan Potluck. [...]
[...] what course you’d like to contribute (no need to include the exact dish). Check out my page Vegan Virtual Potluck for more details and for info and developments – and by all means, spread the word and invite [...]
[...] unrefined…and cruelty-free HomeAboutOther Voices, Other VegansSubstitutionsVirtual Vegan PotluckWhat’s That?Yeah, But Does It Taste Good? Apr 23 2012 Leave a comment By An [...]
[...] (she is one of my favorite vegan bloggers) and many other bloggers from around the world for the Virtual Vegan Potluck. Next Monday is the the deadline to sign up, the potluck is on May [...]
[...] out the link from the image below to read what you need to do by April 30 to be a part of the Virtual Vegan Potluck. It is hosted by Annie and her blog An Unrefined Vegan who posted the first featured ‘Coming [...]
[...] photo below to learn more, and how to get on board! I think it’s a great idea, put forth by An Unrefined Vegan, certainly one of my top five blogs to follow at the [...]
[...] participating in a virtual vegan potluck soon, check it out! I’m making some kind of dessert, I’m just not sure what [...]
Ann, you are amazing! What will I make?!
I know, right??
[...] even better?! That you are all invited! You can read the invitation here and more details here. Make sure you sign up by April [...]
[...] Annie, the talented mastermind blogging over at An Unrefined Vegan, has had a fabulous idea: Why not create a Virtual Vegan Potluck!? [...]
[...] from An Unrefined Vegan is the creator of this Virtual Vegan Potluck. All of the details are on her blog. But you only have until April 30th to sign up. The actual [...]
Alrighty I know we talked about it somewhere else but I am participating and I want to make a stew or soup I know I said side before but I want to try something new!
um…darn it I don’t want to ask without giving away my idea I want it to be awesommee. I love love Love this idea. and its in may so it gives me something to do while i’m not in school 
Luckily for you, there is still time to change your mind ! I’ll put you down for stew/soup for now…You have until April 30 to change, hehe!
I am absolutely sure about this! lol I have my idea fresh in my mind.
Oooo I want to join too. BUT I’m not here on May 12th…but I can postpone the publish date to the 12th…just won’t be here for the comments, etc.
I’d love to make a desert…I’ve been wanting to do a Persian desert ideal for the summer heat!!
Please join in! You can always make the Potluck rounds later! A Persian dessert sounds wonderful! I’m signing you up !
[...] other news, I’ll be participating in a Virtual Vegan Potluck that’s coming up, hosted by [...]
[...] On the other note, if you haven’t done so, please, don’t forget to sign up for the Virtual Vegan Potluck!!! [...]
[...] up, a quick shout out to An Unrefined Vegan. Annie is hosting a virtual vegan potluck next month. Please check out her post and sign up if [...]
Just joined on FB. I’m in for desserts.
Sweet! (Literally!)
[...] Virtual Vegan Potluck: Annie from An Unrefined Vegan is hosting a Virtual Vegan Potluck on May 12. If you are interested, you can still sign up for a category; the deadline is April 30, and I’m sure she’d extend the deadline if someone really wants to join. [...]
I love this idea! I’m so in. I’ll email you with the category in a minute.
This sounds like fun! I’d love to make a main for the potluck–if you could sign up my blog,, that would be fantastic.
Excellent! So glad!
[...] at An Unrefined Vegan is hosting a Virtual Vegan Potluck on May 12th. Anyone can sign up to ‘bring’ a vegan course to share and we can all see [...]
[...] eating much less yogurt and eggs already – go me! By the way, I’ll be participating in Virtual Vegan Potluck by the Unrefined Vegan. Check it out Deadline is April 30th. (healthy) dessert for breakfast? [...]
[...] unrefined…and cruelty-free HomeAboutOther Voices, Other VegansSubstitutionsVirtual Vegan PotluckWhat’s That?Yeah, But Does It Taste Good? Apr 29 2012 Leave a comment By An [...]
[...] deadline for the Virtual Vegan Potluck is almost here! Contact An Unrefined Vegan by April 30 if you are interested in contributing. I will be posting a main dish on May 12 as part [...]
Ok…. I’ve decided. Put me down for an App / starting nibbles!
You got it!
[...] Unrefined vegan, a super inspiring woman, and the mother of the Virtual Vegan Potluck! [...]
[...] (Monday) is the deadline to sign up for the Virtual Vegan Potluck. If you’d like to participate visit An Unrefined Vegan for details. Share [...]
So excited for this! Just sent you an email signing up for the beverage category!
Got it! Welcome aboard! Glad you are back
[...] right now, I have no idea what to do with it. Maybe I could do something creative with it for the virtual vegan potluck my friend Ann is hosting! Here’s what we have so far: coconut water sealed in a container in [...]
[...] I’m going to take a quick second to mention the Virtual Vegan Potluck that is being organized by Ann over at An Unrefined Vegan. Now I’m sure you’ve all [...]
Hi Ann! i’ll be “brining” a dessert!
Thanks, Rachel! Looking forward to seeing what you make!! Wish I could taste it, too
Hey there, Ann! I’ve just popped over, via Lorna’s tearooms site. I’d love to join you for the potluck, and as usual, I’m getting in at the last minute! In fact, I did a post on oven caramalized fennel only a few days ago–can I bring that? (Or is there a rule against leftovers? )
At any rate, please do put me down for a side.
I’ll email you as well.
Three gold stars to you for a very creative idea!
Wow! First in line or last minute – no matter! You’re here now ! Glad to welcome you on board. I’ll put you down for a side. If you’ve blogged about the fennel (which sounds fantastic, btw. One of my favorite things to eat.) already, I’d prefer you do something new. Thanks!!
Got it! And I’ve already come up with something…:-)
Hehe – awesome!
Thank you! And, I come with a warning: I am woefully inept when it comes to clicking and linking and http://ing… Did I read something about passing this along to the next in line, or do we all post whenever we’re ready? I don’t want to botch up the process!
You’ll do fine! If you can insert a photo into your blog (which I know you can), then you can add the necessary links. I’ll have an update tomorrow which will (I hope) explain everything!
Ooooh, I do hope it’s that easy, because I HAVE mastered the uploading of the photos into my posts.
[...] If you haven’t yet, check out the Virtual Vegan Potluck over at an unrefined vegan’s blog. I think today is the last day to sign up. It looks like [...]
[...] forget, today is the last day to sign up for the Virtual Vegan Potluck! I signed up for the Main Course Category. The list of participating bloggers is pretty [...]
Count me in, if I am still invited!;-) I will be emailing you in a moment, & will post an html badge on my page when you get ‘em up! Woo hoo!
You are on The List !
Yippee! Thx!
Holy cannoli girl! This thing is major! I know you’re dessert heavy, but I’m going to go dessert (let’s be real – we really can never have enough). I working on figuring out a “healthy” pie!
Can I tell you that I’m FREAKING out?? I’m so pleased, but I hope I can make this thing work!! Dessert is great
Ive got friends coming round the day Im making my side dish to try it….you know so I can make sure it works in a party atmosphere
Oh, perfect!!
[...] unrefined…and cruelty-free HomeAboutOther Voices, Other VegansSubstitutionsVirtual Vegan PotluckWhat’s That?Yeah, But Does It Taste Good? May 02 2012 Leave a comment By An [...]
did I show up too late?
Well…technically yes . But I’ll let you slide in since I’m also giving the nod to Emmy Cooks! Please let me know ASAP which category you’d like. Glad you have you on board!
I better do it the next time around because I’m having a hard time figuring out those rules thank you sooo much. Such a fun idea. I’ll be sure to visit on the 12th.
I hope you’ll join us for the next one. It really isn’t that complicated, but I totally understand.
[...] I am very pleased to announce that on May 12th, I will be participating in a Virtual Vegan Potluck, organized by the amazing Annie from An Unrefined Vegan. There will be over 50 bloggers [...]
[...] unrefined…and cruelty-free HomeAboutOther Voices, Other VegansSubstitutionsVirtual Vegan PotluckWhat’s That?Yeah, But Does It Taste Good? May 04 2012 Leave a comment By An [...]
[...] a comforting hug. I am way to attached. Perfect timing, as I am working on something for the Virtual Vegan Potluck that is happening in a few [...]
[...] been checking out various blogs lately, you’ve probably heard about this thing called the Virtual Vegan Potluck. It’s a BIG DEAL and is being hosted by Annie over at An Unrefined Vegan. She has gotten [...]
Pretty cool concept!!!
Join us next time!
Definitely! Thanks
[...] unrefined…and cruelty-free HomeAboutOther Voices, Other VegansSubstitutionsVirtual Vegan PotluckWhat’s That?Yeah, But Does It Taste Good? May 07 2012 Leave a comment By An [...]
[...] week I made my fist attempt at gluten-free vegan baking getting ready for the Virtual Vegan Potluck on May 12th. I’m happy to say it turned out pretty good and I’m planning to try [...]
[...] I first heard about the Virtual Vegan Potluck I was pretty excited and crossed my fingers that it wasn’t too late to join! I was in luck [...]
[...] unrefined…and cruelty-free HomeAboutOther Voices, Other VegansSubstitutionsVirtual Vegan PotluckWhat’s That?Yeah, But Does It Taste Good? May 08 2012 2 Comments By An [...]
[...] but they always do….Speaking of plant-based diet, I’m participating in an awesome Virtual Vegan Potluck on Saturday. Come join [...]
Excited and grateful to slide into the line-up! Wednesday will be my teaser post, with tons of FB/Pintrest/Tweet chatter getting pumped out up until the big day! Excited to meet all the peeps!
Beautiful! It’s a great group – really enthusiastic! Thanks, Jason!
Hey gang- I was thinking about (also) putting our recipe into a pdf that will be downloadbale from our site on the big day for VVP visitors- something they could grab if they wanted before dashing off to the next dish….
This made me think about how cool it might be to compile a list of all 66 or so into a downloadbale cookbook style document- and well heck, I was thinking we’d give it away for free, but if we put it up on Amazon self-pub and charge 2-4 bucks, we could take all (lol- all) the $$ and donate it or reinvest in the next event with advertizing dollars… or you know.. beer. Or free… It’s late, I’m excited, just tossing ideas out.
If we attempted the bigger version of this, it isn’t something we’d need to compile before Saturday- it could be something that could hit the market a week or 2 after the dust settled.
Thumbs up!!! I like it
Me too!
Great idea, Jason! I’ll share this in my update tomorrow!
[...] The Virtual Vegan Potluck is this Saturday! I can’t wait for you guys (or should I say “y’all,” since I’m not a Southern Cook?) to check out what I have in store, as well as what the other foodies are bringing to the table! [...]
All ready to go! Scheduled for 9AM PST. Let me know if I should make that earlier!
I didn’t see this until too late, but this brings up a good point. We will be A-OK for VVP1, but for VVP2 we may need to have a scheduled roll out time so the whole experience is available at the same time (unless you guys did and I missed it). This is looking outrageously awesome! Can’t wait for tomorrow! Oh, it is tomorrow. Where does the time go? Night all!!
[...] On May 12th, partly as a result of my reading of vegan blogs, I am taking part in a Virtual Vegan Potluck, organized by the witty, smart, brilliant, fabulous, lovely, PUNNY Anne of an Unrefined Vegan. So [...]
[...] On May 12th, partly as a result of my reading of vegan blogs, I am taking part in a Virtual Vegan Potluck, organized by the witty, smart, brilliant, fabulous, lovely, PUNNY Anne of an Unrefined Vegan. So [...]
[...] unrefined…and cruelty-free HomeAboutOther Voices, Other VegansSubstitutionsVirtual Vegan PotluckWhat’s That?Yeah, But Does It Taste Good? May 10 2012 Leave a comment By An [...]
[...] days until the Virtual Vegan Potluck! Getting excited!!… [...]
[...] Welcome! I have the pleasure of being the host site and the first blog post to start the Virtual Vegan Potluck. What a cool idea and thank you very much Annie for thinking of this. Being the creator of VBU, I [...]
[...] happy to announce that I’m gearing up for my real-life party plans by attending a Virtual Vegan Potluck this Saturday. Tune in for my contribution (we’ll be rolling brown rice sushi, speaking of [...]
[...] is my last post before vacation! Well, not technically, because I am participating in the Virtual Vegan Potluck tomorrow (you have to check it out because it’s going to be awesome!!!), but that’s [...]
[...] you’re probably wondering what a story about meat has to do with a Virtual Vegan Potluck. If you’re not with me– feel free to skip ahead to the next blog . . . or go back to [...]
[...] a few weeks back on An Unrefined Vegan’s Blog she posted this amazing idea for hosting an Eight Course Virtual Vegan Potluck, as soon as I read [...]
[...] ya tomorrow! I’m a part of the VVP, ya know. Get excited! Share this:TwitterFacebookEmailPrintStumbleUponPinterestLike this:LikeBe the [...]
[...] this was a fabulous dessert, the real deal is tomorrow! Check out The Virtual Vegan Potluck, my post airs at [...]
[...] year is here: The Virtual Vegan Potluck. If you have no idea what I’m talking about, click here to find out more, but be sure to come back to check out my recipe for frozen brownies, the [...]
[...] I have pulled out my fine china and silver for the occasion. Our gracious organizer is Ann at anunrefinedvegan, and I am bringing Roasted Red Peppers to the table. [...]
[...] post is part of the Virtual Vegan Potluck. Click on the Back and Forward links at the bottom of the page to go directly to the previous and [...]
[...] 0 A couple of weeks ago, Annie over at An Unrefined Vegan had the fabulous idea of having a Virtual Vegan Potluck. [...]
[...] Thanks for saving a little room for the sides. If you skipped ahead of the line, feel welcome to go back to the being and fill up your [...]
[...] regular subscribers of my blog, you have stepped into the midst of a Virtual Vegan Potluck! Don’t miss any of the delicious excitement and start with the first courses at our host site, [...]
[...] in the blogging world. Dreamt up and coordinated by the quite astonishingly brilliant Annie of anunrefinedvegan, 66 bloggers are taking part in a virtual vegan [...]
[...] Hello Potluckers! Welcome to Keepin’ It Kind! If you are unaware of the Virtual Vegan Potluck, it is a large gathering of bloggers (over 60!!!), all contributing vegan dishes for different courses of the meal, organized by the amazing Annie at An Unrefined Vegan. [...]
[...] was starting to get a little worried about keeping up with the Virtual Vegan Potluck (the brainchild of the wonderful Ann, a fellow blogger with a site “An Unrefined [...]
[...] can see the complete line-up of bloggers here…quite impressive! It's nice to [...]
[...] the Virtual Vegan Potluck! I’m happy to be joining so many other cooks today in serving up a bountiful vegan feast. [...]
[...] I wasn’t on the dessert list for Virtual Vegan Potluck, because I make plenty of them and wanted to flex my main dish muscles a little [...]
[...] to the Virtual Vegan Potluck! A big thanks to Ann at An Unrefined Vegan for all of her hard work! Another thanks to all the [...]
[...] This post is part of an enormous feast called the Virtual Vegan Potluck! To find out what that means click here! [...]
[...] 12th!!! Yesssss, finally, the Virtual Vegan Potluck is here!!! What an AMAZING IDEA from An Unrefined Vegan!! Thank you, thank you, and thank you for [...]
[...] to the original Virtual Vegan Potluck post for a list of all participants – links included! Sharing is Awesome!Like this:LikeBe the [...]
[...] Virtual Vegan Potluck es un evento que Annie, del blog An Unrefined Vegan, tuvo la gran idea de organizar y que se aloja [...]
Just making my way through the virtual vegan potluck and wanted to say hello
Excellent! Welcome, and nice of you to stop by!
[...] again to all who stopped by during the Virtual Vegan Potluck! I’m having fun reading my way through all of the posts. I can’t wait for the next [...]
[...] Virtual Vegan Potluck yesterday was AWESOME, thank you, Ann (An Unrefined Vegan) for the idea, and thank you, Lidia (Vegan Bloggers [...]
[...] to a special edition of Sunday Funday! As many of you know, yesterday was the Virtual Vegan Potluck and I featured one of my own recipes! I hope you all got to check it out, if not, you can start by [...]
[...] amazing how satisfied you feel when you give your body what it needs. If I had participated in the VIRTUAL VEGAN POTLUCK on May 12th, this is the dish that I intended to include. Be creative when you are making vegan [...]
Even now when the event is over/ ending, I am finding this list of heroes VERY handy- now I have 2-3 weeks worth of awesome recipes I can post on my FB Page and Twitter- ready made content that I am proud to pass on. Great event everyone! I can’t wait for the next one! What do you think, 4 a year? Won’t the holiday event be HUGE!! Much <3 Jason/ @Atkins2Vegan /FB: Atkins to Vegan in a Heartbeat/ Watch Me Lose 150 Pounds…
It’s awesome, no?! I was also thinking 4x, but don’t want to overload anyone
. We can always increase the frequency. It’s great that you are sharing these recipes, Jason!
[...] Green Salad with Roasted Beets, Sweet Potatoes, Avocado and Slivered Almonds (Inspired by this dish at the VVP) [...]
[...] Lemon & Ginger Kale with Sesame Tofu Steak. This is the recipe I submitted for the Virtual Vegan Potluck last Saturday. We are enjoying this recipe so much; I think we will be making this all [...]
[...] you everyone for being so kind about VBU hosting Annie’s Virtual Vegan Potluck. I loved helping and I am already looking forward to next [...]
[...] I love this girl. Not only is she the crazed mastermind behind the FABULOUS Virtual Vegan Potluck, but she is just a downright amazing person. We have exchanged a ridiculous amount of emails and [...]
[...] had recently, I might have to change my opinion. The Key-Lime Habanero Cheesecake I made for the Virtual Vegan Potluck was a huge success at work. Robert even took some for his coworkers and they really liked it as [...]
[...] unrefined…and cruelty-free HomeAboutOther Voices, Other VegansSubstitutionsVirtual Vegan PotluckWhat’s That?Yeah, But Does It Taste Good? May 23 2012 Leave a comment By An [...]
[...] I’m quite humbled because I consider her the wonderwoman of both vegan cooking and baking. For proof, just check out her blog, An Unrefined Vegan. Amazing right? Not to mention, she’s also the mastermind behind the Virtual Vegan Potluck. [...]
[...] – Don’t forget to comment on others’ goodies! It’s a great way to exchange creative information and ideas! I’ll have the links to all of the participating blogs up after the deadline of Friday, June 22 so you can be sure to check all of them out! I’ll put them in order, trying to group Creative Exchange Partners (CEPs) together for simplicity. Be sure to link the blog before and after you so we can have a nice little blog roll a la the Virtual Vegan Potluck! [...]
[...] . It was the first time making something like this when I was preparing a dessert for the Virtual Vegan Potluck. They were made as small individual “cheesecakes” in the first making, this time I [...]
[...] to sign on? Visit An Unrefined Vegan here. The deadline to sign up is April [...]
[...] get involved in things like the Virtual Vegan Potluck and you consider getting your first facebook account. ever. so that you can hang out in the top [...]
[...] You get involved in things like the Virtual Vegan Potluck and you consider getting your first facebook account. ever. so that you can hang out in the top [...]
[...] unrefined…and cruelty-free HomeAboutOther Voices, Other VegansSubstitutionsVirtual Vegan PotluckWhat’s That?Yeah, But Does It Taste Good? Oct 01 2012 Leave a comment By An [...]
I’m so excited to be a part of this! And I’m looking forward to trying all the yummy recipes that will come out of this… Thanks!
Thrilled to have you!! Tons of great recipes in store! Folks really go all-out.
[...] there, fellow potluckers! I’m super excited to be participating in the Virtual Vegan Potluck and can’t wait to see what other tasty dishes folks are coming up with. I signed up to bring [...]
[...] – didn’t I mention? It’s another Virtual Vegan Potluck! The last one was so much fun, it’s happening [...]
[...] so much to Ann and all the other bloggers involved in this wonderful [...]
[...] at An Unrefined Vegan for the official [...]
[...] was really incredible to browse through so much tasty vegan food! Thanks to the Mastermind Annie at An Unrefined Vegan for pulling together the awards ceremony and Congrats to Veganosauras, Spinach Revolution, In [...]
[...] to the table, Annie inspires, and creates a sense of community and connection. She also created the Virtual Vegan Potluck – bloggers from all over the world coming together to share their best plant-based recipes in [...]
Giveaway..coconut butter. Just saved enough in budget to add to our grocery this eeekend. Have been on blogs saving recipes, but have not used it yet. Thank you for the oppptunity to enter this contest to win a container of coconut oil!
Have fun, Linda! And best of luck winning the coconut oil!
[...] eating much less yogurt and eggs already – go me! By the way, I’ll be participating in Virtual Vegan Potluck by the Unrefined Vegan. Check it out Deadline is April 30th. (healthy) dessert for [...]