So I’m back in the (sweltering hot) sticks – at least for a little while. I’m on Ike Duty for a few days and our first order of business was a trip to Whole Foods in Oklahoma City. We were there, panting in front of the big, shiny windows when they opened the doors at 8 am, a long list and politically-correct shopping bags in hand. We picked up, among other wonderful items, some extra virgin coconut oil and a bunch of essential oils so that I could whip up a batch of Somer’s Patented Pit Paste (I added the Patented, just cuz it sounds all snazzy with the extra p-word thrown in) as I’d forgotten to pack my beloved Soapwalla deodorant cream. It took me all of about 5 minutes to make a small jar of the stuff. Smells great and looks like something I’d smother in chocolate sauce and eat with a spoon.
There was a big pile of mail waiting for me, most of which I converted directly to recyclables, save for a couple of nice things like an issue of VegNews, enough New Yorker magazines to provide reading material for the next 6 months and a wee, wonderful book from Lorna over at Tearoom Delights. A loyal follower of Lorna’s funny and yummy blog about tea, confections and travels, I needed to have my own copy of her newly-published guide. One day – who knows – I may be able to put it to practical use! Anyway, I’m so happy to have it and am really proud of Lorna for her accomplishment. Word on the street is she’s already begun book number two. To find out how to get your very own copy, visit Teacups Press. If you ask nice, she might even sign it, just as she did my copy.
Also waiting for me was my prize from AstigVegan for bidding on the VSPCA (via Richa at Hobby and More) online auction a few months back. The ladies at AstigVegan generously donated a gift set and I was determined to snag their neat package of goodies: pili nut cheese (sadly all gone by the time I got home) a canvas bag and a fantastic “cookbooklet” with the top recipes from RG and TJ’s creative site. They did a great job of putting this ‘let together and I’m thrilled to have it. I am looking forward to diving into their unusual (at least for this Heinz 57 Variety American) and delicious-sounding Filipino recipes.
Time to get back into the kitchen – how I’ve missed it! Got a long list of goodies to make before I head back to Utah.