One of the great things about blogging is discovering new stuff – – or having new stuff brought to me. I enjoy reviewing new products and plant-based cookbooks – and then giving the opportunity to my readers to get their hands on samples and copies for themselves. My reviews involve extensive testing of the products/cookbooks and I attempt to include many photographs to document completed recipes or ways in which I’ve prepared/used the product.
If you would like me to review a product or cookbook, please contact me using the form below. I only review products that are vegan – absolutely no animal products or products developed via animal testing will be considered. My reviews are based on my personal experience and tastes; I do not guarantee a positive review, but I will promise to be fair. To give you an idea of what one can expect from my reviews, below is a small sampling of past posts.
I do not accept “guest,” sponsored or third party posts.
If you just want to say “hi,” please do! I’d love to hear from you.
Product Reviews:
PB2 Powder | Tropical Traditions | Oriya Organics | Nayonaise | Todd’s Seeds | Xylitol Xyla | Traditional Medicinals | PlantFusion | Kiss Me Organics Matcha | Ellovi Lip & Body Butters | Heidi Ho | Imlak’esh | Restaurantware |
Cookbook Reviews & Blog Tours:
Unprocessed | The Vegan Slow Cooker | Happy Herbivore Abroad | 40 Days of Green Smoothies | Great Vegan Bean Book | Practically Raw Desserts | Bake & Destroy: Good Food for Bad Vegans | Vegan Slow Cooking for Two | High Protein No Powder: Protein Bars and Smoothies Made with Real Food | Sweet Debbie’s Organic Treats | Vegan Planet | Everyday Vegan Eats |The Vegetarian Flavor Bible | OATrageous Oatmeals | But I Could Never Go Vegan! | Teff Love | Cook the Pantry | The Almond Milk Cookbook | The Abundance Diet | Vegan Richa’s Indian Kitchen | The Homemade Vegan Pantry | Eat Clean Live Well | Lusty Vegan | Bowls! | Plant Power by Nava Atlas | Vegan Chocolate by Fran Costigan | Vegan Bowl Attack! |
Chow Down Movie Review