“It was a day for finding bones and shells. We walked along the broken fence line, heading towards the tumble of rocks to the north. The long streaky shadows of morning lay across the humps of thick grass, a deep orange sun beginning to tip the treetops in yellow.”
– from Bones and Shells
Divided into months, Good Pasture: Short & Shorter Stories from Rural Oklahoma is a compilation of mostly true tales of everyday life on a ranch in the Midwest. It’s all about small towns, dirt roads, coyotes, fields strung with spider webs, memories, dreams, ghost stories, garden failures, and a little dog that walked out of the woods one day and never left.
Most of the stories in Good Pasture first appeared on my short-lived (2011-2012) blog, Dough, Dirt, & Dye. Updated and expanded with essays from 2013-2016, Good Pasture is a thoughtful, introspective, humorous and deeply personal collection.
E-books not your thing? You can purchase a paperback copy here for $8.99.
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