As you’ve probably surmised from my last few (and far between) recipes, I’m keeping things very, very simple lately. Case in point: garlic butter. Three ingredients if you don’t count black pepper and a quick whirl in the food processor and you have yourself one very tasty, not to mention, powerful bread spread.
To further simplify this recipe, I went with roasted (with herbs and olive oil) garlic from the pizza-making (i.e., where you can get dough, sauce, sliced veggies, etc.) section of Whole Foods in Oklahoma City. I just ain’t seeing me peeling 80+ cloves of garlic anytime soon (and I feel heartily for the WF employees who get stuck with that task, but thank goodness someone is doing it.)! This spread comes together in under a minute and is rich and – – buttery stuff. Make sure you and your family/guests all eat some so no one will be offended by garlic breath!
Besides using this “butter” as a cracker spread, use it on sandwiches instead of mayo, stirred into mashed potatoes or soup, or smeared onto grilled vegetable kabobs. I brought this dish to the Virtual Vegan Linky Potluck 14.
1 1/2 cups roasted garlic cloves (about 80)
2 Tbsp. tahini
1 Tbsp. dry white wine
pinch ground black pepper
pinch dried thyme and/or rosemary if garlic cloves aren’t seasoned
Place all ingredients in the bowl of a food processor and process until smooth. Add a small quantity of water (or white wine) to reach the desired consistency.
Woah that’s a lot of garlic! Which must mean it’s a lot of awesome 😉
It’s a ton of garlic! I actually counted the cloves to be sure.
For me, simple is usually better! This is the perfect looking spread. BRING ON THE GARLIC BREATH!
Oh man does this sound awesome! Love the simplicity and here is a link to a way to easily peel a bunch of garlic.
Cool! Thanks for the link!
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This looks fantastic! 80 cloves is a whole lot of garlic though! MMMMMMM!
What a classy butter, I didn’t know white wine went well with garlic! 😀
Choc Chip Uru
A match made in heaven, CCU!
Haha…the vampires will stay away from me after I eat this, LOL! Seriously, I am a huge garlic lover and of simple recipes of course, this is such an amazing idea!!!
Have the mouthwash handy :-P!
I’m not big on garlic flavor but I’ve never had roasted which I know is sweeter. Definitely not doing the 80 cloves but maybe 1 bulb to try this. It’s gotta be super healthy too and I know your crackers are just as yummy.
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Love love love this!