This is a hybrid of the cooked and the raw. Seems that some kindly neighbor folks have taken pity on Kel and me – being transplants and all – and have been sharing with us their bounties of zucchinis, cucumbers, peppers of all kinds, peaches, pears and…tomatoes. Lots and lots of tomatoes. Fresh, juicy, no-hothouse-mealiness-allowed tomatoes go into everything. (It will really be hard to go back to those mealy, tasteless poor excuse for tomatoes…)
I made this quick raw tomato+roasted tomato sauce on an evening when my heart wasn’t into making an elaborate meal. I had about a cup of roasted tomatoes from another meal so I chopped them up and added them to four beautiful tomatoes (also chopped), a couple of tablespoons each of kalamata olives and capers (I adore capers), fresh basil, lots of cracked black pepper, garlic, chopped red onion and a splash of Bragg Liquid Aminos. Then I boiled up enough pasta for two. When the sauce gets mixed into the hot pasta, the smell of garlic rises with the steam. It’s wonderful. I like a preponderance of sauce to noodles, but serve it at whatever ratio pleases your palate.
Now for the Virtual Vegan Potluck Question. Thanks to a post by Tom of New Vegan Age over at Vegan Bloggers Unite! I found out that World Vegan Day is November 1. Seems like the perfect day on which to hold the next Virtual Vegan Potluck. What do you think? It falls on a Thursday rather than a Saturday a day I find slightly preferable for a potluck, but since this is a virtual thing and it’s possible to schedule posts in advance anyway, perhaps it doesn’t matter too much? Please let me know what you think!
I can’t think of a better way to celebrate World Vegan Day!
And it seems as though you have some very lovely neighbors! 🙂
Fabulous – this salad sounds eerily similar to the one I just made yesterday 🙂
Love the idea of the Thursday – bring it on! A great idea!
I agree with you it is sad to ay goodbye to juicy tasty REAL tomatoes!! Your dish looks so tasty Annie!
Great idea – I really like the idea of a Thursday!
Thanks, Anne!
Not sure if I’m in yet (yeah, right, like I won’t be there…), but November 1 sounds perfect to me.
You’d better be there ;-)! (Seriously!)
I love the idea of having the potluck on World Vegan Day! Can’t wait for round 2!
It’s coming up fast!!
I’m in! Thursdays are good for potluck too!
Um there couldn’t be a better day to do it! I LOVE that!
Oh, girl, I’m the one who always loves more sauce than noodles too! What are we going to do when the summer ends? Winter tomatoes make me want to cry!
World Vegan Day sounds like a brilliant day to hold the VVP. And your sauce looks wonderful (as usual!) We just found a fantastic hydroponic vertical farm around the corner from our house and we’re enjoying the best produce we’ve ever tasted. Plus The Husband bought me a Vitamix, so I’m a very happy girl! 🙂
I’m so excited that you’ve joined us Vitamixers ;-)! I swear, I use mine 4-5/day.
The pets are looking nervous–I’m Vitamixing everything in sight! So glad The Husband agreed to buying one. Very happy Tiny Kitchen right now! 🙂
Definitely the best way to celebrate another vegan potluck my friend 😀
And love your semi raw dish!
Choc Chip Uru
I hope you’ll be joining the Potluck, luv!
Delish as always my friend. And yes, 1st Nov is an awesome day to pick imho xx
I am so jealous of your nice generous neighbors, lol! I wish I had someone to share fresh garden produce with me 🙂
I actually had to ask one of them to STOP giving me stuff – it’s literally piled up on my countertop! A good problem to have, I know.
I think November 1, World Vegan Day would be perfect! I’m in. 🙂
Your pasta looks amazing, that actually is very similar to what I am serving tonight! Yay, great minds think alike!
Looks so healthy and delicious!
I’ve been waiting for you to have another virtual vegan potluck, the last one looked like so much fun. I definitly want to participate!
Who needs noodles just give me the sauce!
I’m in for Novermber 1st! Yay for potlucks!
I think November 1st is perfect! I’m actually going to go vegan completely for the month of November so it’ll be a great way to kick off my month 🙂 also your pasta sauce looks amazing I love the idea of mixing fresh tomatoes in with the roasted ones for different levels of flavour.
I would do another Virtual Vegan Potluck in a heartbeat.
🙂 Yay!
Virtual Vegan Potluck on World Vegan Day? Sounds like peanut butter and jelly to me! Do it to it!
Can’t wait to do another VVP and I’m in agreement, World Vegan Day does seem ideal… I guess it’s time to start planing 🙂
Yay! Thanks for the feedback!
I am not vegan but i enjoy all the recipes and stories all of you vegan foodies share. Maybe someday i will become completey vegan too 🙂
I encourage you to explore plant-based eating – good for you, good for the planet, good for animals ;-). Please think about participating in the Virtual Vegan Potluck on Nov. 1.
World vegan day sounds amazing! This is one tasty recipe!
Maybe, I will add a recipe too! What do I need to do?
I hope you participate, Sophie! I’ll be providing details soon – mostly you just have to prepare something tasty, photograph it and blog about it!
How could we not do VVP on World Vegan Day? Are we waiting for an invitation? 🙂 I’ve got a geat idea already…I can not wait!!
Oh what beautiful neighbours and it looks fresh and delicious! And YES YES YES to another VVP on World Vegan Day! Magic!
Love the new date idea for the VVP!! I am so in!
VVP on 11/1 sounds great to me! Can’t wait to see all the yummy fall dishes!
I’m a little late to this party, but Nov 1 sounds perfect, especially with Vegan MOFO the month of Oct 🙂