Recently I felt the siren call of Spring Cleaning and since cleaning is just about my least favorite thing to do and something I avoid whenever possible, I knew to heed the call when it came. It came in the form of defrosting my small freezer – the one where I keep summer’s extra vegetables, fruit, tempeh, homemade seitan and those cooler coolers (you know, the blue stuff). It wasn’t the ideal day to defrost as it was overcast and cool, but no matter. The freezer was getting dragged outside to melt down. As I emptied the freezer and put things into a cooler to keep for a few hours, I came across several big bags of plump blackberries. Blackberries I’d picked last *mumble mumble* and well, had kinda forgotten about. I had picked blackberries every day for about a week. More blackberries than we could ever eat over the course of several days.
So, what to do with copious amounts of frozen blackberries? Some got made into a simple jam and the rest I made into cobbler.
Blackberry Cobbler
Serves 6-8
6 cups fresh or frozen blackberries (or blueberries, raspberries, sliced apple or pear…)
1 tsp. stevia powder (or maple sugar, to taste)
1 tbsp. cornstarch mixed with 1 tbsp. water
dash cinnamon
1/2 tsp. lemon zest
1 tsp. vanilla extract
1/2 cup whole wheat flour
pinch salt
1/2 tsp. baking powder
1/4 cup maple sugar
1/2 tsp. powdered stevia (or more maple sugar, to taste)
4 tbsp. vegan “butter”
4 oz. unsweetened applesauce
Preheat oven to 375F and lightly spray a 9″ x 9″ pan or a deep pie dish.
In a large bowl, combine the berries with the remaining ingredients. Stir gently and set aside while you prepare the dough.
In a food processor, combine the flour, salt, baking powder, sugar and stevia. Pulse a few times to combine. Add the “butter” and applesauce and pulse again, just so that there are no dry bits.
Pour the berries into the prepared pan, then top with the dough, using a tablespoon to dollop in on the top – no need to try and spread the dough around. Bake for 35-45 minutes or until the dough is browned and the berries are bubbling.
Let cool for a few minutes before serving.
(The recipe for the dough comes, with vegan and low-fat modifications, from the brilliant, How To Cook Everything Vegetarian, by Mark Bittman.)
I agree completely 😀
Should I ever be lucky enough to discover frozen berries in my freezer, I believe I will definitely be akin to making this delish dessert 😀
Choc Chip Uru
Dig around back there! You never know what you’ll find!
Was JUST looking for a good cobbler recipe. I swear, between you and Veggiewitch, I’ll be in good food forever. 😀
Between Veggiewitch and all of these other crazy food bloggers, I’m gonna be fat!
I was thinking the same thing, as I pulled the cobbler out of the oven a few minutes ago….
haha! Nice!
Wow. I would not know those blackberries were frozen. Yummy! I just love a ridiculously plump and juicy blackberry.
I have two bags of frozen cherries in my freezer that are begging me to substitute them for the blackberries in this recipe! 😉
Yes! Cherries would be WONDERFUL!
Looks amazing! Sign me up for the potluck too. Frozen blackberries remind me of childhood..thanks Ann!
Okay, so explain the frozen blackberry/childhood connection!
Yes….! So we would pick every summer – they were free, plentiful and fun to get super messy with! My mom made the most deliciously refreshing frozen blackberry yoghurt pie and we had hoards of blackberry jam that lasted us all year….honestly we used it on everything….I can’t think of blackberries without getting nostalgic – in the best possible way!
oh wow, sounds wonderful! Justifiable memory lane wandering!
I was literally..LITERALLY just speaking about cobbler and picking black berries to make some the other day. Along with this I though about how to make it vegan friendly. YOU have saved the day once again. For this, I love you. This looks delicious!
Girl! Can’t wait to see what you do with your blackberries!
ooh! Looks delicious! I can almost taste the flavor of summer!
I know, soooo summer! Now for raspberries… ;-)!
Your photos are outrageously good Annie, those blackberries look amazing. It’s great having frozen blackberries in the freezer that you can just chuck into puddings, and your cobbler sounds magnificent. That’s absolutely my kind of pudding.
thanks, Lorna! Blackberries are just so gorgeous. Even frozen ones!
I just bought blackberries for the first time in ages! This looks so good- I especially like that picture where you can see all the juices in there. You know I don’t think I’ve ever actually had cobbler before- but this will be the one to get me to
seriously, I would be happy with the juices and the crust alone! But blackberries are gorgeous! Will you eat yours straight up? Best way, really.
Most likely one of my favourite ways to eat berries: with some nondairy milk and granola. YUM!
Lovely, I’m so glad you said this can be made with frozen berries, because I have them on hand!
Frozen work really well in cobblers cuz of all of the juice, and plus it’s not really important how the berries look.
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Honestly, anunrefinedvegan is going to make me fat. Happy. But fat.
I made this cobbler tonight with frozen mixed berries (blackberries, blueberries and raspberries) and the addition of two gala apples.
As anticipated, it’s delicious!
Yum… I haven’t had blackberries in ages – it’s so good how well berries freeze (even if they are forgotten for a period of time!) I love berry sorbets in Summer, and warm desserts similar to your creation in the middle of winter, all tucked up on the couch in front of a good movie
Gorgeous! ♥
Hugs to you!
I miss having wildberries growing in my yard!
What a lovely dessert! I love cobblers a lot & I love blackberries too!
I have a thornless blackberry tree in our garden! I love the apple sauce in the dough: that must add a lot more sweeter flavour to the dough!
Thanks, Sophie!
Totally going to make this with the mulberries in my back yard. Delish!
Hey, great idea! We have a bunch of mulberry trees and duh, didn’t even think about using them like this!
Yum! I LOVE cobbler in the summer, especially with coconut milk ice cream. Whenever I have too many berries lying around, its the easiest thing to make and a fun treat for breakfast. Your crust looks great!
I love it, too, cuz you can put it together so quickly. I’m a crust junkie, too :-).