I imagine that a guy’s typical sanctuary might have a pool table and a La-Z-Boy or two; a mini ‘frige and a big, flatscreen TV with surround sound. There might be a beer light, a pilfered road sign, maybe a deer’s head on the wall. There is nothing pink or lavender; no plug-in air fresheners or potpourri in heart-shaped boxes. ESPN plays constantly and it’s dark and a little…musty. Pure speculation on my part. The only “man-caves” I’ve seen were on HGTV design shows.
Well, that’s not quite true. Kel has a man-cave. His has walls of thick plastic sheeting held up by metal pipes. A small motor in the corner hums continually to keep the plastic walls inflated. There is a small compost bin teeming with earthworms and other wiggling critters. Two large tanks of water sit by the door. Two green plastic lawn chairs offer comfort of a sort and a propane heater is at the ready for when temperatures dip below freezing.
Several honeybees have found their way inside to the small citrus trees which are in fragrant bloom. Eight raised beds are overflowing with arugula, spinach, radishes, mesclun, bibb lettuce and tiny green fronds – future carrots – are on the way. There are pots of three different kinds of thyme, rosemary, lemongrass and parsley. Inside it smells like green and like moist dirt.
I probably wouldn’t like the typical man-cave. But I like Kel’s man-cave. I visit from time to time, when I need herbs or salad greens – but it’s his sanctuary.
I’d love a man-cave (or woman-cave) like this, with all those lovely fresh salads.
The smell inside is so nice. Earthly, warm. And we are spoiled with beautiful greens!
Wow! That is awesome and amazing! I am so jealous!!
Nancy, the greenhouse was a LONG time coming! It sat in a pile, disassembled, for a couple of years. So it feels good.
That’s spectacular! Say, I have a bunny who would love to have a tour…can something be arranged?
Seriously, what an excellent accomplishment!
We have more greens than we know what to do with – so bunny-sharing is a great idea!