This is a list – one that will be ever-growing, I believe – of vegan and non-vegan blogs and sites that I enjoy. I visit most of these sites on a daily or weekly basis. If you haven’t been fortunate enough to run across these fine folks, do yourself a favor. Click on a link, read for a bit and get to know someone. Then introduce yourself.
I want to stress that this is a work in progress. I’m sure that I’ve inadvertently left off blogs that I love; if I regularly visit your blog and you don’t see it here, it’s nothing personal. It’s not you, it’s me. It’s my short-term memory, my lack of concentration – an oversight. Don’t be mad and certainly don’t be shy! Leave a comment below or shoot me an email saying, “You forgot me!” and I’ll fix it right up.
40 Fit in the Mitt
Toronto, Canada
Almost Vegan Chef
Kansas City, Missouri
Anne Sture Tucker-Happy Health
Canada via Denmark
San Francisco, California
Bacon is NOT An Herb
Cadry’s Kitchen
Canned Time
Compassionate Cuisine
Earthgiven Kitchen
Ontario, Canada
Fragrant Vanilla Cake
Gazing In
Go Bake Yourself
Honk If You’re Vegan
In Fine Balance
In Pursuit of More
Vancouver, Canada
Jason and the Veganauts
Keeping It Kind
Kind Health
Akron, Ohio
Lorna’s Tearoom Delights
Perthshire, Scotland
My Plant-Based Family
Denver, CO
Poppy’s Patisserie
Produce on Parade
Project See Life
San Diego, California
Rachel in Veganland
Carrboro, North Carolina
Shanti Warrior
Mobile, Alabama
Simple Vegan Cooking
South Africa
Sophie’s Foodie Files
Brussels, Belgium
That Was Vegan?
The Road Not Processed
The Road to Serendipity
Tiny Kitchen Stories
The Good Luck Duck
Who Knows?!
The Veg Bar
San Diego, California
The Vegan Feed
The Vegan Kat
The Veggie Nook
Ontario, Canada
V is for Vegetables
Vedged Out
Vegan Bloggers Unite!
All over!
Vegan Perks
Vegan Rabbit
Vegan Richa
Seattle, Washington
Veggie V’s Vegan Adventure
Your Daily Vegan
Thanks so much for the shout out! Also adore the bambi pics!
My pleasure! (I know – aren’t they beautiful?)
Great list ! And thank you so much for including me ; )
Happy to!
I made the list! And near the top, no less. Guess it helps to have a blog name that starts with ‘A’.
Thank you for including Air Eater and Vegan Bloggers Unite!
My pleasure! Spreading the vegan love!
Thank you for including me! Hugs!
Thank you so much for including me, Annie! You are too sweet. And those baby deer pics are amazing!
You are welcome! You have no idea how many of your recipes I’ve got lined up to make – so thanks to you!
Thanks for the shoutout! I look forwarding to visiting some of the new (to me) blogs!
Hey, cool! Thanks for this!
We’re both sporting new, shorter Ann-inspired hairdos these days! The shorter, the easier.
My pleasure, dear Roxanne. You said it: keep it short (your hair, that is)!
Thank you for including me to the list. It’s an honor!
The list wouldn’t be complete without you!
I’m honoured to have made the list
Thanks Ann, you’re the best!
I seriously need to get around to making a little list of my own…
Thank-you SO much!
Thanks for including me! I love your site as well. And… there’s a whole lot of cuteness happening in your pictures.
Yay! So honored to have made it to your list! Thank you so much, I really appreciate it :):)
My pleasure! I so enjoy your lovely blog.
New blogs to look at! Thanks for the resource.
Annie- I just got invited to VBU! Does that mean I can make your prestigious list?
Oh my gosh – thanks for telling me! I’m so behind on updating this list. You are now officially added!!
Thank you for including me Annie! It makes me very happy to have made it to your list
Great to find new blogs – I will explore and enjoy!!
aww how did you get so close to those adorable sleeping animals! I saw a chipmunk while jogging today but he scurried away before I could take a picture
he was so cute too. I am so late on things like this but yay! thanks for the shout out ^_^
That’s a long list already! Lovely shots of the beautiful brown cow & the dear too!
I am now going to look at the other blogs!
Thanks for enjoying & naming my blog!
Yay! I’m on the list
Thanx for adding me on the list! I’ll be sure to check out the rest of these blogs
This list is what I’ve been trying to find! Thank you!
Cool! I have a lot more great blogs to add – just haven’t gotten to it yet. Thanks, Kristen!
Kristen, FYI this is not the blog list for the Potluck.
Thank-you so much for including Turning Veganese on this list!
You’re welcome and of course I did!
I’m in Unrefined Vegan heaven! Not only do your recipes meet my qualifications (which are many) but they look amazing and perfect to add a little variety to my “rotation”. My blog is a story – told by my 17 year old self – who was at that time a vegetarian in Australia in 1993. Yes, it was not common! I had one person say that families did not want to host Vegetarians because they were all anorexic! That just gives you an idea of what I was dealing with. All this started because I read John Robins A Diet for a New America when I was 15
Anyway – fun to find you and all the others listed on your site of like minded folks. I’m and my hubby is a Vegan Ultra-marathoner at
Hey there!! Thank you thank you for the compliments
– you made my day big time! Wow, you were way ahead of your time and brave to boot! Glad you found me and thanks for the link back to your blog. So many wonderful plant-based bloggers out there. Oh – need to check your husband’s blog as well. Are we talking Leadville, CO, by any chance? Used to live in Boulder, CO. Anyway, I’ll check them out :-)!
Yes, CO! It’s getting down to crunch time for him now! August 17th is fast approaching and his training runs are marathon length:) hope you enjoy the blogs …I’m telling you I have no idea where everyone finds the time to blog!
Hi, I actually have recently been diagnosed with having a soy allergy. This comes as great sadness as I have been vegetarian for the last year and a half. I was eating soy products all the time, and switched to dairy free because I thought I had a dairy allergy. Now that I know it is soy, I know how to eliminate the obvious soy products such as fake meats and tofu, but I still love cooking the recipe’s I find on beautiful sites such as your own, and was wondering if there is any way to make sure some recipe’s don’t have soy, because I do not know all the terms for it, or if they do how can I substitute for it? Thank you so much for your help.
Hi Golnaz – what a bummer for you! Soy is in SO many things! But probably identifying your allergy has also helped you quite a lot. I found this very helpful site that lists ingredients you should stay away from – lots of different names for soy out there:
As for my site, I use the soy basics such as soy milk, tofu, tempeh, tamari/soy sauce, miso, Bragg Liquid Aminos and sometimes an egg replacer product that I believe has soy in it. If I write “egg replacer” it is that product, but mostly I use flaxseed meal as an egg replacer.
Hope this helps and best of luck to you! Take care – -
Thank you so much for your help and the great website you provided. Now i’m almost wishing it was dairy I was allergic to. I think that would be easier. There is to many products I have to watch out for. Well I’m sorry I actually had a question regarding some of your recipe’s i’ve noticed use white miso. For me, is there anything I can substitute that with?? Thank you again for all of your incite.
Oh boy…miso adds a rich saltiness – but in some cases you could just omit it. Otherwise – - a couple of suggestions: you might try some of those vegan bouillon cubes. There are many varieties and they’re good to have on hand to add a nice punch to soups and stews.
I just read about a company that makes soy-free miso and it looks really interesting. They use other types of beans instead of soybeans.
Finally, I’d suggest making up a batch of vegan broth powder. My friend, Holly at My Plant-based Family, has an easy recipe. I always keep a jar of this in my cupboard for when I want to add some flavor to rice, soup, etc.
Hope that helps!
You have the answer for everything!! Now I’m truly excited. Thank you so very much!!
You’re very welcome. Oh, I also saw quite a few substitutions you can easily make for soy sauce. I might try some myself, just for fun!
I’m new to the scene, but I hope you’ll consider me as one of your favourite vegan blogs!
I’ll check it out, Katie! Thanks!
Hey Annie! Thanks so much for including me on your fab list here – I appreciate it! Celeste
Thanks for doing this list. Love following vegan blogs
There are so many good ones! I could go on and on :-)!
I can’t believe I never saw this! Thank you SO much, Annie. I’m extremely flattered and so grateful to be in this company. And now I have new blogs to explore, too!
Great list! Can’t wait to check everyone else out!
Hi! We’d love it if you would add to your list. Check us out. Thanks! Wendy
Hi Wendy – I’ll check out your site :-)!
Thanks so much for adding us to your list! We are in Denver, Colorado BTW.
Got it! Denver is a great town! I lived in Boulder for about 5 years. Really miss it.
Thanks for this list, I found some more great voices!
For your consideration: Earthgiven Kitchen from Ontario, Canada.
My bad! You should have already been on this list! Thanks for the ping :-)!
Thanks so much!
You’re on mine too.
Yay! Thanks!
What a great list! Feel free to add my blog if you’d like too –>