Walking the Dog: I’m Guest-Posting at Canned Time Today!

I’m very pleased to be spending the day over at Angela’s beautiful blog, Canned Time, with a little post I wrote called The Dog Who Walks with the Human.  You might guess that my buddy, Ike, inspired me to write this particular post.  There’s nothing like taking a walk with your best friend out in the open fields and through the woods to get one’s creative juices flowing.

I hope you’ll spend some time over at Angela’s as well.  If you haven’t met her, please visit and introduce yourself.   Angela posts one mouthwatering recipe after another and her photos are stunning.  Thank you, Angela for inviting me over!

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16 thoughts on “Walking the Dog: I’m Guest-Posting at Canned Time Today!

  1. narf77

    Nothing like a stinky dog to remind you of our place in society ;). It has been so hot here lately (summers last hurrah) that we took both of our dogs down to the water to swim yesterday and combine wet AND stinky and you have a really happy dog ;). We can’t let our boys off lead because it is actually against the law here in Australia and apart from that, Earl would hightail it after the nearest wildlife and we wouldn’t see him again but we have made enormous long leads for them so that they can go right out into the water and we can bring them back in when we want to go home…I am off to Angela’s (I follow her blog, like yours, in my rss feed reader) but she is further down than you so I got here first 😉 ).

    1. An Unrefined Vegan

      Ike’s pretty good – he USUALLY comes right away when called – but sometimes the call of the hunt is too great ;-). But you are exactly right. Dogs love nothing more than to be dirty and smelly!!

      1. narf77

        I know…Earl saw a mound of horse manure on our road as we were walking and it took the strength of Sampson to stop him from hurling himself upside down into it as we walked past ;). My daughters have a precious little pup called Qi. She isn’t allowed to visit the farm any more because she found a rotten fish and rolled in it and was VERY pleased with her efforts however my daughters were NOT happy with the smell, even though we scrubbed her before she went home ;). Earl NEVER comes back…he puts his nose down, he points his tail up and away he goes and good luck to any small mammal, rodent, insect, lizard that gets in his way. He has history with cats and chickens and I DON’T want to find out what else Earl would be ready to rumble with if given half the chance!

  2. Cauldrons and Cupcakes

    Have to ask… is that snow, salt, sand beneath Ike’s paws? Terrific pic, and great post over at Canned Time xx


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