An Unrefined Vegan Turns One

CakesGoing back through the past year of An Unrefined Vegan posts is a lot like looking through photos from the 1980s: a bit embarrassing, funny (in a not-so-good way), entertaining and enlightening.  But as a nearly day-to-day chronicle of my food choices, it’s interesting to see where I was and how far I’ve come along.  In some cases, I want to go back and redo (or undo) and in fewer cases, I’m pretty impressed with myself.  Hard to believe I’ve made it through a full year of blogging.

To say thanks for the people who come ’round to visit my blog – many of whom have become friends – and to celebrate turning a big one year old, I’m going to be giving away a copy of one of my favorite cookbooks – but I’ll be doing that in early November – between Vegan MoFo and the Virtual Vegan Potluck, there’s just way too much going on right now.  So, please stay tuned for that.  It’s a fantastic cookbook (perfect for the season) and a great resource both for plant-based newbies and old hands at vegan cooking and I’d love to share it with someone.

To take a look back with me…One year ago today: C’mon Baby, Don’t Fear the Vegan

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62 thoughts on “An Unrefined Vegan Turns One

  1. thingsmybellylikes

    Happy birthday! I can’t believe your blog is so young – I assumed you were a seasoned pro from the look of it and the amazingness that was the Potluck. May you have a lovely cake-filled day to celebrate. :)

  2. Brittany

    BRING OUT THE VEGAN CAKES!! Happy Birthday to your amazing blog!! You sure have come a long way, although that salad dressing looks great from post number one!!

  3. Isobel Morrell

    Goodness, gracious me! How doth the time fly. Congratulations on reaching this important milestone. As ever, all the best. Isobel

  4. narf77

    Happy first birthday! I turned one back on October 16th but forgot to mention it! I only just realised it when you said you were one…best get a birthday post out of my own ;). I started off my blog in ignorant bliss and pilfered photos from all over the net until I realised that I was ripe for suing! Suddenly I learned which end of a camera to point and if I am being honest, that’s as far as I came with the photos but the journey has certainly made me a better person and like you, my readers are now my “dear constant readers” who put up with my ranting, my long monologues and my endless quest to find meaning in 4 acres of neglect. Its rewarding and adictive and cathartic and run. I am SO glad that I found you through Somer because this blog is one of smeagol’s preciouses ;).

  5. cmb0096

    Congratulations! 1 year is a big deal. I have been reading/subscribing to your blog for maybe 6 months, but I have explored your earlier posts too :-) Thank you for all that you do! I know it must be time consuming to blog and take pictures of what you eat, but do know that it is appreciated–I look forward to your posts and recipes!!

    Thanks again

  6. Shira

    Amazing, Happy Birthday Annie! A big milestone for sure…and I love your first post! Here’s to another year coming up! You are an inspiration to many – keep it up girl! X

  7. bar

    Yay! I can’t believe you’ve only been doing this a year! I thought you had been blogorama for, like, ever. Rockstar!

  8. Sarina @ Earthgiven Kitchen

    Happy birthday! You’re looking pretty refined to me! 😉 I hope you are treating yourself to a birthday cake!

  9. Somer

    I’m can’t believe I’m so horribly late to the party, but I brought streamers, kazoos, glitter, vegan chocolate cake and hugs and kisses. Will you forgive me? p.s. I think your first posts are terribly endearing. xoxo

  10. Cauldrons and Cupcakes

    Happy Blog Birthday! Love your blog, and love the wonderfulness that is YOU.

    How’s that cookbook coming along? 😀

    Much love, and really good vegan cake xoxo

  11. emmycooks

    Lucky for us that you got started and have kept up such an inspiring site! I’m going to try that salad dressing you posted on day 1. :)

  12. Melissa

    Congrats & happy blog-o-versary! My 3 year is coming up in November & I cannot believe it. My blog has taken on a life of its own since inception & it’s been a wonderful journey. So awesome to have you as part of the community :)

  13. veghotpot

    Happy Blog Birthday! Your such an inspiration as a blogger and a person, hope you have many more fun years spreading the vegan love and giving us all those mouth watering recipes :) x

  14. tearoomdelights

    Well done Annie, and a very happy first anniversary! My’80s photos seem to have all mysteriously got lost, odd that…

  15. * Vegan Sparkles *

    Nawww, YAY, happy HAPPY blogiversary, Annie! We’re SO GLAD you decided to join the blogosphere. You’re an endless source of inspiration. xx

  16. Barb

    Hooray! Isn’t it funny how fast time flies- and how much can change in such a short period of time? My 1-year is actually next month, how funny that we started so close to the same time!

  17. Starr

    Congratulations! Like many others, I would have never guessed your blog to be so young. You write like such a pro, and your pictures are gorgeous!… I’m look forward to another unrefined year :-)

  18. tinykitchenstories

    Congrats congrats! I’m so happy that you started your blog–if you hadn’t, I’d never have “met” you and that would be a real shame. Keep rockin’ the blog, baby!

  19. Allison

    Congratulations on year one!! :)

    (I feel the same way– it’s embarrassing for me to look back at some of my older posts… but just remember that they all still have recipes that are useful to / appreciated by others!)

  20. Rachel in Veganland

    congrats on year one! and many more to come!! I just adore your blog and think you’re such an inspiration, annie! Happy (belated) blogobirthday!

      1. Rachel in Veganland

        I feel just the same way! It makes me tear up to see you say that, Annie! Much blogolove! <3

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