Here seen in a rare still from my audition for the lead role in “Baby Hulk.” I put my heart and soul into that role. Sadly, the 3-hour 41 minute film lies moldering in a can on a shelf in the warehouse of a studio backlot. I can only hope that some day this great masterpiece is shared with the masses.
(I love that my parents took this picture. And I’m sure it just infuriated me all the more.)
Pretty typical image of me from those days – with my nose buried in a book (I think this one was The Genie of Sutton Place – fantastic!). Typical now, too, except my nose is buried in a Kindle. Yes, that hassock behind me really was orange plaid and I am wearing an outfit made up entirely of reds – down to the socks. Note the Browns game on in the background. That’s back when TVs had knobs, antennae, and only three channels. In other words: the good old days.
It wasn’t until the end of my senior year at Miami University (the one without the beach and the sunshine) that I learned my nickname was Rooster. Painful (yet canny). But what my mockers didn’t know was that I was moonlighting as the singer in A Flock of Mullets. So who got the last laugh, huh?
From Carole King to Liza Minnelli all in one decade. Gosh, I loved my hair products.
And, today, caught doing what I love most (what, only three meals a day?!): eating plant-based, cruelty-free, delicious, whole foods. It’s good for my health, kind to animals, and is gentle on the planet. But no judgment. Eat what you like.
Unbleached, unprocessed and cruelty-free: unrefined plant-based, whole food recipes to nurture body, brain and conscience
Want to get in touch?
Website: An Unrefined Vegan
Facebook: AnUnrefinedVegan and VirtualVeganPotluck
Twitter: @AnOlive and @VeganPotluck
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Instagram: anunrefinedvegan
Email me: anunrefinedveganATgmailDOTcom
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I totally want that 1980′s hairdo. Radical. Funny how your hair has gotten curlier as you’ve aged, but girl you’ve always been gorgeous. Loving the baby hulk! xx
Thanks, babe :-). I needed that! My hair is nutso curly right now!
I’ll bet it’s beautiful!
Loving your blog, I nominated your for an award
Hey Kate! Thanks so much – I’m really flattered :-)!
I totally have your 80′s hair right now! Love your website! Can’t wait to make lots of your recipes!
Hey Annie! I’m having a little fun on my blog and playing a game. I tagged you on my post to play the game with me. It’s a quick, simple game. If you play, you might win a new car!! Haha – that’s a LIE! Still, I hope you play! Here’s the link: http://honkifyourevegan.com/2013/09/21/tell-me-a-lie/
I’m on it!
Hey Annie! I wasn’t sure where to contact you about the pot luck, so I’m just writing here. Anyway, I’m wondering if I can switch from the dessert category to the main dish category for the pot luck (my desserts lately have been flops lately!!). Let me know! Thanks! Celeste
Of course! You have until Nov. 9 to change your mind again ;-). BTW, you can reach me at annieATvirtualveganpotluckDOTcom.
Oh great! For some reason I didn’t get your response in my email, so disregard the other note I sent you. Do I need to fill out any form to change or am I good?
You’re good! Just send me the permalink to your blog and I’ll be one happy event planner!
Hi There!
I have nominated you for a VBA – your blog is one of my go-to’s, I too am trying to go unrefined and your posts make it so much easier! Thank you! http://healthyhohme.wordpress.com/
Hey that’s so cool! Thank you so much!
[…] An unrefined vegan […]
I just awarded you with the Dragon’s loyalty award – come check it out!
Hey! I really, truly like your blog – so I’ve nominated you for a Versatile Blogger Award (http://bit.ly/IfDVc2). I know you have tons of those, but I couldn’t resist. Keep up the good work, and hope you’re having a fantastic week! Ana
Who says I have tons of these??
Thank you so much – - it is much appreciated, Ana!
You’re very welcome indeed!
Hey – just wanted to let you know that I gave your blog a shout-out on a recent post of mine: http://tiffanysopinions.wordpress.com/2013/12/04/tiffanys-seasonal-gift-guide-2013. Thanks for all the great vegan recipes!
Awesome! Just read the post – hilarious and helpful. Great combination :-).