Or Farewell, Spring, perhaps. Saying goodbye to cooler temperatures, the bold chirps of frogs, the bright yellow-green of new leaves makes me a little sad. It used to be that I loved summer, that I couldn’t wait for the season to arrive – for obvious reasons – no school or work or obligations (hard to imagine a time like that existed) only long, lazy days of snoozing in the hammock, getting lost in books, trudging around in the deep, green woods behind my childhood home, staying up late, and 10-hour days at the local swimming pool. Spending so much time diving and splashing that the smell of chlorine on my skin lingered into fall; my fingertips were wrinkled raisins, and at night in bed I could feel and hear the water still sloshing around in my ears.
Summer now – here in Oklahoma – is a time to hide away from the relentless glare of the sun and the heavy blanket of humidity – air that blasts and steamrollers its way up from the Gulf of Mexico. Kel and I stay indoors from noon to about 7 pm and then we emerge cautiously, tender eyes blinking in the still bright evening sun that lingers over the tree line to the east. Only a few months to wait until winter.
Same here! Loved summer as a child, now I hide from the oppressive heat and humidity and eagerly await autumn. (Winter is too cold here to really desire its arrival.)
Glad I’m not the only one! Fall has become my favorite season, with Spring a close second. Thankfully the winters here aren’t too bad, though this past one was pretty rough.
Gorgeous pictures by the way 🙂
Thank you!
Great pics…and happy solstice to y’all. Years ago when living in Florida I decided that the heat/humidity was definitely the reason for the slow-talking and slow-walking stereotype associated with southerners. Breaking into a sweat because of speaking too fast is no fun. 🙂
I’ll be glad when October gets here. 🙂
I think you’re right – – who can move quickly in heat like this! Siesta time!
Lovely thoughts and photos. We too hide away part of the afternoon from the Tennessee heat and humidity.
On the other hand, it’s a great excuse to put one’s feet up and drink iced tea…
That first flower looks like something from a Sci fi flick. Crazy what you see in photography that you’d normally just pass right by. Beautiful.
Angela – I think it is a wild bee balm. There’s a whole patch of them in the pasture and it makes me so happy each year to see them.
My favorite time of the year is definitely a tie between Spring and Fall, I love them both here in Texas because they are such comfortable weather…not too hot and not too cold. I love Spring because of all the beautiful flowers, no doubt!
The heat of summer just takes it out of me! I think Oklahoma and Texas have very similar summers.